Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Zo sprach Vanderhumpf

In my day... Yes, well, actually, it was a bit PRIOR to MY day, but THERE WAS A TIME when UC Davis was aspiring to be a GREAT UNIVERSITY! Eyeing the opprobrium of a Harvahd, UC Davis once tried to become a place where young men learned not to pee on their fingers. Yes, in days of yore, when I was but 40, this university had one of the highest suicide rates in the nation! We DROVE our students over the edge then!

AH! I LONG! For the vanished chalk lines of Sprawl Pla-aza!
Kept the students thinking about things besides iTunes.

But that was then. Now? We lock access to the roofs of our buildings. We must protect the little darlings. It was good enough for their parents, but then their parents just had one or two children, so they haven't any spares to sacrifice to the cause of MAINTAINING proper educational standards. No. Students have grown flaccid, right along with my minions of Mrak. Flaccid, and slow of wit. Even the protestors today are flaccid and cannot write a proper sentence. It offends me that such dross shall speak at the plaza instead of fling themselves off the roof!

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