Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Office of the UC channeler

Oh, mighty oak. Dynes. My leige lord! What pass is this that comes upon us unasked for!

A $30,000 dog run? My lord, it was nothing! I would like such a dog run myself!

But hark! What is this? Rumors from below. My minions are paralyzed, as I am myself. Nothing can we do! For Dynes, the mighty Dynes has fallen! Woe, woe!

Still, the pitter-pat of feet behind me in the dark - it persists! It will drive me mad, mad I say. That scandalous matter wherein our UC's gave (gave! without recompense!) to a corporation, the tax information for all of our students. Their addresses, their income. They assured us that the company would never sell this data to anyone outside of it! Then they sold the company. Pirates.

Somebody got a payoff. I smell it from here! Someone made at least a few hundred thousand off of this debacle! I know it in my aged bones. Fee, fie, fo, fum! I smell the kickback of ....

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