Sunday, September 2, 2007

Curses! Foiled again!

It has come to my attention that somebody had the compassion to leave a door open to GBSF! As a result of that act of decency, people got in and bought drinks from a vending machine! Plan partially foiled! How could they do such a thing? They were informed of the terrible security risk! Not so much as a grandma should be allowed in lest someone steal the secrets of HIV! God help us if HIV should get out into the world! I don't know, but it would be terrible!

But it was wonderful to see the ambulances arrive after 20 minutes, the crowd hungry for shade gathering under the goal posts. Even the young, thirsty for shade, leaving early. Unfortunately, no wealthy donors expired. Nobody died. Darn it all!

I even got a phone call asking for a few thousand dollars to put up sunshade cloth on poles over the stadium! I shall have to make life miserable for that one of my minions. How dare they waste a $31 million death machine by making it pleasant for a pittance? Everyone knows that such a thing must go through proper channels so that the right people get rakeoffs.

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