Thursday, November 15, 2007

Don’t whine, it’s organ donor time!

A vacation so good I cared not what the world did say! But, a gentle reader has written and I like it!

You ride a motorcycle? Go to and fill it in to be an organ donor. Fill out an organ donor card and keep it on you when you ride. Choose the “after death” option and check off all the organs possible. Consider getting a medic alert bracelet saying “Organ donor” and wear it. If you’re a novice rider or a not so novice rider, a commuter or a speed freak, your body can save at least 8 lives. From kidneys and hearts to skin that keeps burn victims alive until they can heal, your body can do a lot. I know it grosses people out, and other people think that if they don’t it will protect them somehow. But it’s the civilized thing for us risk takers to do. Really it is.

I’ve been in Davis for a bit over a year, going out to the dam by Lake Berryessa to hike in Cold Canyon and bike out to the dam. I figured out that I’ve probably been out there something like 20 or so times. In the stretch from Pleasant’s Valley Road to the dam I have seen 3 motorcyclists dead on the road (DOR) and finally one live one. Just about 6 weeks ago I saw a guy laying in a ditch with his bike another 50 feet down the road. It turned out he wasn't dead. But then he stopped breathing while I was looking at him, so I did a bit of CPR and with the assistance of another guy turned his head carefully and pulled his jaws apart slightly so the blood would drain out of his mouth and throat so he’d stop choking. About 45 minutes after coming across him, EMS showed up and another hour later he was on his way to a helicopter. He never regained conciousness. So he didn’t make it either, which makes my record 4 for 4.

I just go there on Saturday or Sunday mornings and early afternoons. The people at the store down there at the base of the dam have so many people come in wanting to use the phone because of motorcycle accidents they get cranky about it. What I’m saying here is that this stretch from Pleasant’s Valley road to the dam has a lot of motorcyclists die on it. The guy I did CPR on, he was riding a Harley and one of those minimal helmets. (Yes, his face was messed up.) The people driving behind him said he was doing about 50 when he got distracted (bee? music?) and rode his bike off the edge of the pavement there to commence flipping “4 or 5 times”. Two others I saw DOR (dead on road) did have the fancy gear and full head helmets. I could be wrong, but it’s my impression that the guys with the best gear compensate by going faster.

Hey, I had my own airborne experience after leaving a motorcycle at 50 MPH after an accident. I’ve shattered a collarbone, broken both wrists and dislocated my left elbow 180 degrees having fun. So this isn’t a “Motorcycles are dangerous. Don’t ride them.” lecture. (Insert the voice of your favorite here.) No, I know you will because you wanna, and you wanna because it’s so much fun, even if you do die. What the hell.

Don't whine, it's organ donor time!

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